Qld Data Governance Forum

A new Data Governance Community of Practice is being formed in Queensland and you are invited. Register here to have a free breakfast from 8:30 am to 10 am (registration from 8:00 am) on July 6, 2021 at the Brisbane Hilton, where you can meet other executives and data experts who are wrangling with corporate data governance and management issues like:
International corporate hackers are attacking any vulnerable site for ransom, for sensitive information and for corporate espionage. Knowing where your data is & what it is, has become a vital first step in understanding your organisation’s risk and what you need to do about it.
GDPR has established a new standard being increasingly adopted world-wide. Citizens and customers are demanding the right to be forgotten and proof that you are not holding incorrect or inappropriate data on them. Not-for-profit funders, like the Australian & State governments, are increasingly demanding proof of capability that your organisation can handle sensitive data appropriately.
Modern reporting and visualisation capability are mashing datasets together to find insights, but more often than not they are uncovering data quality issues in their source systems. How can your organisation clean up the data swamps and extract the value from its data?
Investigations into where new data reporting results have come from have shown that often organisations can’t trace their data to the source, let alone how that data may have been changed and modified along the way. How can you act on data you don’t trust?
“Entertainment” will be provided while you eat (as in discussions and presentations about local Qld Data Governance & Management projects and approaches). Toward the conclusion we will be forming smaller roundtable groups intended to meet more frequently on more specialised parts of Data Governance & Management (i.e. Data Privacy, Data Quality, Data Security & other topics suggested by attendees).
If you can’t make it to Brisbane on July 6 but still want to participate and nominate for the roundtables, the event will also be broadcast live online (https://encore.com.au/QLDDataGovernanceForum). Both remote and onsite attendees can ask questions using the Slido app freely available on iPhones, Android or via a browser (use event https://app.sli.do/event/zxlvekuc – which is already available now). Only onsite participants need to register to attend.
If you are from another state…Don’t Panic! Similar Data Governance Communities of Practice are being launched at events currently scheduled for other Australian cities below:
- Canberra – August 3, 2021
- Melbourne – September 7, 2021
- Sydney – October 5, 2021