
How much does a Bad Hire Cost?

Photo by Olivier Collet on Unsplash

This article was first published by the International Personnel Management Association Assessment Council ( – now IPAC) in 1997. It was first published on in March, 1999. Much of the content is still relevant today.

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Measuring EEO Performance

This article was first published on in March, 1999. It includes tips on making effective KPIs for any domain. It also includes a number of recommended KPIs for an EEO function to prove its business impact objectively.

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Creativity, Age & Experience: Do They Correlate?

Creativity and Play: Wikimedia Commons

Just how old were Einstein, Newton, Picasso, Mozart and other geniuses when they made their groundbreaking discoveries? ..and what are the implications for creativity and innovation in your organisation?

The following article was published on in March, 1999. It has been cited by executives, consultants and academics around the world. It was originally published in PwC’s global magazine Re:Business in 1998. The insights in this article are even more relevant today.

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