Data Analytics has recently published an article in Australia’s latest CEO Magazine called “5 Myths of Big Data”. The article explores the current industry focus upon technology solutions and recommends that CEO’s intending to start exploiting the data opportunities around them should start by obtaining the access to people with the right skillset. It also highlights initial approaches to big data that are proving to be uniquely successful when launching such approaches in organisations. Send me an email: with comments.
Category: Big Data
There’s Gold in Them Thar Servers

New Scientist reviews the latest Big Data book released called “Big Data: A revolution that will transform how we live, work and think“. Although I believe that there are plenty of major business opportunities in this approach lately termed “Big Data”, I think some are overhyping and overdramatising its impacts on society in general. Data is still messy and patchy in many parts of the world. So, although there will be many clever exploitations, it is still opportunistic at the moment and, at least, will remain so in the near term. The all seeing Big Brother and all-powerful Marketing Analyst is certainly closer than thought possible just 10 years ago, but it is coming in an evolutionary rather than revolutionary pace.